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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Santiago Chile Last Night Day 13-Dec 22 13


This is our final night in Santiago……we will be heading south on Ruta 7 in the morning on route towards Puerto Montt. Final preps done to bikes…bags packed to overflowing. So much stuff yet 1/2 as much as I would normally carry……hopefully the bike will move after I load her up.

Antonio just handed me a note……the hotel night clerk has suggested Chillan or Valdivie as our stop for tomorrow as Puerto Montt is 1045km.

Sitting out front of the hotel I took the following pics….it’s 7pm.Santiago Chile-Dec 22 13 003  Santiago Chile-Dec 22 13 007 Santiago Chile-Dec 22 13 005 Santiago Chile-Dec 22 13 006 Santiago Chile-Dec 22 13 001 Santiago Chile-Dec 22 13 008 Santiago Chile-Dec 22 13 002 The front lower part is a 7 storey shopping mall which opened a year ago……….


  1. Bob, you have way more patience than I do. I can't believe that you have spent two weeks wandering all over Santiago and you haven't even started your bike adventure. You never did explain what happened to your passport. Did someone find it and turn it in to the authorities? I hope you guys took the advice of the night clerk. On those bikes and those roads that would be a challenge to cover in three days. Hang in there.

    1. HI james. did take some patience for the such I didn't feel like riding until we hit the road for real. Today was the day , we hit the road and I thought I was going 100 when I was only doing 80....per my GPS. We were on Ruta 5 which is like the 400 and the speed posted is 120 but no one got ticked...they passed when they could which was easy as it was 4 and 6 lanes....yes , I miss my big bike but these are a hoot.....My passport was found and turned in to me by the beautiful senorita while I was at the embassy...she found it on te street.
