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Monday, December 30, 2013

Chile Day 20 Dec 29 13

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Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 004 

On the road by 9am…….Caieta La Arena about 45 k away…our 1st crossing on a Ferry Puelche….cost 6900 pesos about 14.00 US.Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 009 Upon disembarking we found ourselves behind a funeral procession and pulled over for 1/2 break.The road ran along the coast with spectacular views and sure death drop offs with no guard rails. The pavement ended, and we were riding loose to hard packed course gravel.Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 013 Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 021 Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 017 Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 019  Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 018This is expected for the next several hundred Kilometers. Reaching Hornopiren about 2.30 we learned that their is only one sailing per day at 10.30 am. Time to look for shelter it looks like rain. Antonio doesn’t want to spend 32,000 pesos on a hotel room, we turn down another street looking for a decently priced hostel. Instead we meet Alex, a 23 year old Belgian riding a Honda Translap.Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 027 Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 023 Alex is on a round the World Trip solo, speaks excellent Spanish, French and English. He has a novel way of finding new friends and accommodations….he just knocks on a door and asks if he can set his tent up in their yard….most often he is invited to stay in the home as they are interested in his travels and story.

We decide to wild camp and purchase a few groceries… we exit the store the rain begins….soft at first then hard. Taking shelter across the street under the overhang of a recreation centre, we decide to sleep on the cement walkway with the bikes protecting us from the dogs much like circling the wagons in the WILD WEST.Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 029 It soon becomes apparent that we attract the local drunks and Antonio shares a drink with one. Alex engages a couple hombres passing by and soon we are sheltered with our rides in a barn of sorts at their VERY MODEST HOME by our standards. I purchase a bottle of vino as a gift to the family and 1/2 of it is gone before we retire to the shed and find space to lay out our bedrolls while the storm intensifies outside. During the gathering, I am basically a wall flower as I have no idea what’s being discussed but I feel welcome none the less………the grandfather is a great guy…..keeps repeating that we are so welcome into his home and he is happy to have us. Why can’t, we Canadians be more open and trusting……they want nothing in return…..slept reasonably well: and thankful for the generosity of this family.Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 031 Chile day 19 Dec 29 13 033

At the Ferry early, tickets purchased the night before. we board about 9.30 am. Take my camera out for the boarding pic…dead battery.      

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