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Friday, December 28, 2018

LEGAL Again in Ecuador- Dec 28 2018

Sorry for the delay in Reporting the outcome of my meeting with Immigration on the 26th.

Apparently my re entry from Colombia on Feb 2nd 2018 did not renew my 90 days....if you will recall my first visit to Ecuador was Feb 02 2017. Ecuadorian Migration issued Tourist Visas of 90 days in a 12 month period as they still do. However, in my case I was caught in a policy amendment to the Migration Act that occurred on Feb 06 2017........4 days after I first entered which reset the timetable. So my next entry was Dec 20th 2017 resulting in a restart of 90 days, The border agents error ed in the stamp resetting the reentry on November 28th 2018 in which I had a problem as my exit March 18th was not recorded on their computer was a blessing as I was compelled to go to Migration and get it fixed. I actually only had 1 day left of the original 90 from Dec 20th 2017 and therefor had overstayed on my current return 26 days. The fine was waived, thanks to the earlier intervention of my lawyer, and the fact that I had gone to Mitigation to correct the exit problem earlier. I asked Migration if they could make my extension visa ( normally 90 days @ a cost of $128.67) expire on March 26th 2019 as that is the date of my return ticket. Politely was told no it would be 90 days from Dec 01 which would fall 25 days short of my return flight. Do I have choices in overstaying till the 26th....Yes, you can arrive at the airport and pay a fine of $700.00 or you can request a voluntary exit to leave (which you are doing anyway) however, if you want to return in the future you will be fined upon entry the $700.00.

At that point, I accepted that I could not argue further......I was sent away to get a photo copy of my passport and upon my return the young senorita asked...when was your return flight...responding the 26th of March...she replies this is your lucky day and gives me the extension beginning Dec 26th and ending March 26th 2019. I am so grateful to have that resolved. Thank you Ecuador. Now I can relax.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Canoa Christmas-Dec 25 2018

Invited to the home of Carol and Jeff Miller for Christmas Dinner....arrived early to take some pictures of their court yard......over  1/2 acre of a walled paradise on the beach.

Double Click on picture to enlarge.............

Monday, December 24, 2018

Canoa Christmas Eve-Dec 24 2018

Just finished making the macaroni salad for the Christmas gathering at Carol and Jeff's home tomorrow just some reminiscing pics of  my Yukon and Alaska trip.


Sunday, December 23, 2018

Illegal in Ecuador Again-Dec 23 2018

It's 1 pm Sunday....just returned from shopping to see an email from my Ecuadorian Lawyer. Though I had forwarded Migration's letter to me that the ministries computer had been updated with my passport info and I was ok to apply for the extension......didn't mention I was currently over my limit. My lawyer made a trip to Migration on Friday and not sure when he was informed but they only contacted me this am while I was out. their email gives me instructions how to proceed to rectify the situation........go to Pacific Bank in 128.67 for a Prorroga & mention code ( Codigo 4.6) then go to Migration Office immediately as the application must happen on the same day as payment or you loose the $.....take your passport and the completed application (which they sent me by way of a download) just need to find a color printer & your receipt for the payment....Lawyer cannot go with you as we are closed next week. Ok. You know the Migration Office was moving the day I was last there.......Didn"t tell me the new location and I cannot find it on line. Law Office closed for a what...I am really flying by the seat of my pants....F*** Manta is a BIG CITY and 140k from Canoa. Looks like an early morning commute on the 26th....sure hope the Banco has the new address or I am screwed.

So I just returned from a few cervezes to calm my nerves.....even if  I find the place how will it go. According to my accounting I had until the January 13th to not having been given the new date which I am past.....and my return flight to Canada is March 26th....90 days from sometime in December isn't going to cut it........supposedly they are waving the fine....all good if they wrote it down as the lawyer is on holidays next week and I cannot communicate in Spanish.   The view from my hammock will have to suffice for now..... 

Monday, December 17, 2018

Canoa Ecuador-Dec 17 2018 Sunsets and Kiting

It is hard to tire of the beautiful sunsets night after night.........

 And to watch the nightly kiters jumping from the cliff and soaring until they feel like landing on the beach....this can be done in tandem and is 1 of the things to do here for a small fee.......

 remember double click on the the pic to enlarge 
 panning L  to R the beach all to myself