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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Santiago Chile Day 4-Dec 12 13


Today we set out thinking that the process to purchase the bikes would be smooth. All we had to do was come up with a Million Pesos. Both Antonio and I deal at Scotia Bank and 3 are within a block of our hotel.

Turns out we can only withdraw 200,000 per day…..that will take 5 days. Antonio gets 200,000 which was the test run. My card was rejected as being invalid, so I resort to back up 1, Wells Fargo Arizona USA….no luck. My PIN has 2 characters in it and the machine only takes numbers….so folks looks like Well’s is useless out of country. Next up is my Royal USA debit card at some branch in Georgia……it spits out 200,000. Off to the Dealer via the Metro and a 20 minute walk….I should be getting in great shape…I have put more miles on these shoes in 4 days than I have in 4 years. We reason that the deal will go south, but no, they agree to accepting payment via credit card but we are responsible for the registration. Turns out this had been a misunderstanding. OK, as this was what I had been led to believe through the Horizon  Unlimited and Adventure Rider Community.Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 002

Antonio parting with 950,000 pesos. The bikes are up above in the garage getting a go over as both had arrived the day before. Bare in mind, we have a bill of sale, no insurance but told its ok to ride to our Home Address……..ya right just pray for no accident or policia. Within a block Antonio’s bike quits…..he gets it going and we continue with 5 more stalls in traffic no less……he now has had to resort to kick starting and we make it home with the intent of going back to the Dealer in the morning. Antonio checks the clutch lever and notices a wire dislodged. Inserts it and troubles over. Bikes are currently in a Locked Compound…hope they are there tomorrow….Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 005  Mine is the working blue one………

This city is vibrant……now bare in mind I am from the sticks, so more than 10 moving items on a street are a big deal to me. Though my pics may not illustrate it, this city is alive with young to middle age folks. Many fashionable beautiful women. Spiked heels are the norm. These pics are taken around 7 pm…..Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 007   Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 008  Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 011     Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 012  Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 013 Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 014 Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 015 Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 016 about to check the shops below groundSantiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 017 Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 018 Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 019 Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 020 Santiago Chile day 4 Dec 12 13 021 THESE PICS taken with a quarter mile of our hotel…….

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