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Monday, December 16, 2013

Santiago Chile Day 8- Dec 15 13


Today was another leisurely day, both Antonio and I awoke with problems, he with a sore throat and I feeling feverish. After a light breakfast, part of our package, Antonio spent a couple hours making arrangements to get his bike looked at. About 1 pm a mechanic and his son showed up….after trying to start the bike without success  they loaded it unto their truck and left. Meanwhile I was sent on a mission to retrieve some Chilean maps as Antonio believes without speaking Espanol I will appear like a complete idiot. That’s ok…..I embark on the mission and score about 80 %. I agree that I need to be less dependant on him but it’s so easy to stay in the background when someone else is comfortable in the language.Santiago Chile Dec1314-13 001 a pic I took from afar of workers on a 30 storey building.Santiago Chile Dec1314-13 003 Santiago Chile Dec1314-13 002 Santiago Chile Dec1314-13 005 Santiago Chile Dec1314-13 008 Santiago Chile Dec1314-13 009 Santiago Chile Dec1314-13 010 This is our destination to finalize our paper work…..maybe tomorrow if we get the homoglation papers.Santiago Chile Dec1314-13 016 Santiago Chile Dec1314-13 018 9pm and its still busy.

A young man came up to me while I was taking these picks and in perfect ENGLISH ADVISED ME THAT i WAS a mark for thieves and should hide the camera…he wanted me to come back to his country. A few days ago in a seedy restaurant the waitress told Antonio my necklace was an invitation to trouble. So what do you do……get a camera spy gaget as part of your eye ware or just hope it doesn’t happen. I am a tourist in someone else country…..just observing a lifestyle. So far the people I have encountered are wonderful. I will try to be more discreet. Not easy in slacks and a tee shirt.

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