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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Santiago Chile Day 7 –Dec 14 13


Sunday, quiet day…..pulled the bikes out of the compound. Antonio learned yesterday that his bike would not start….seemed to have an electrical  malfunction. Without an ohms meter, it was decided to take my Battery and see what happened…..nothing. While Antonio tried trouble shooting his problem which included push starting, I set about mounting the ram holders for the GSP, Spot and Go Pro Camera. This turned into a trial and error hour. The handle bars are likely !/2 in, all my mounts are 3/4 to 1 1/4 in…….requiring some filler. Not a big deal at home but here had to make do with materials at hand.

This evening, we went looking for dinner, just about all businesses have been closed….not because its Sunday but do to The Chilean Election today. After a hardy Chilean meal at McDonalds, we walked the upscale residential district of Providencia. Tree lined streets with adobe and brick 10 storey or less buildings. Still a few remaining old Colonial type homes which are being replaced by the latter. It appears that they are mindful of leaving the enchanting forestry cover as they rebuild, so the walk is under thick foliage and along narrow green belted walkways.

Yesterday, after tiring out and abandoning Antonio on the walk into the old city, he encountered an area that was run down and populated by more dark skinned people and living in less than desire able conditions. At one point he came upon a woman lying in the street seemingly dead with someone trying to revive her. Most likely passed out as he was in a neighbourhood of sorts. He was also approached by a drunk demanding money and only escaped when an onlooker approached the two and caught the drunk’s attention.

Tomorrow, we hope to finish the paper work on the bikes and get Antonio’s to a Mechanic Doctor.      

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