Dec 8/9/10 ……long day and evening at the Toronto Airport. Bus dropped me off at 430 pm Plane left at Midnight. Wasn’t able to check bags until 730….then to put in time I walked about with my carry ons which maxed out for weight and set off all the alarms at the xray counter…..You have tools in there they said….replied si……need for my Moto…..head shaking they open up and pull out a set of allan keys,,,,,lethal weapon, then a stubby screw driver, next up was an oversized ALLAN for removing the Wheel…….then the Electric Beard Clipper. Supervisor called over, the security guy waves the Electric Clipper at him pointing to the plastic prongs on the end and then shows him that blunt Allan Key that bmight knock someone out and in total discuss, the supervisor tells me to get my boots on and GO…….I’m through with all my goods……they didn’t even Question the 3 plastic bags of RAM hardware that could be assembled into a pistol or billy club…..but that Electric Clipper was….I am not quite sure about that.
Slept about an hour, head jerks would quickly awaken me as I fell over , likely would have been in the aisle had it not been for the seat belt. Some of you might be wondering how I made out with the back pain….well I endured as I moved my luggage with a Cart and the 10 hours plus on the plane with occasional short walks seem to help it. Can not say the same for the mileage, Antonio who met me at the airport made me cover on foot the last 2 days. NO, we didn’t walk from the airport as Antonio in his French/ Italian accent , speaking Espanol talked the bus driver into taking us for 11.00 each. Taxi wanted 50.00 US. Dropped of at the address but now we are standing there with no Hotel Piso 1 which we declared on our Visa as our address…….after wondering in short circle we are standing in front of the no displayed name hotel which is called Bosque Tobalaba. Walk inside to the reception which is in the basement……Yes you are at Piso 3…….what about Piso 1…….you sent the confirmation under that name…..yes we have your reservation and that will be 490.00 USA in cash which we pay and get a receipt. Actually sounds suspicious but I am mesmerized by the Latino Manager and further more don’t have a clue what Antonio is saying in Espanol. Long story, we settle in and Antonio decides we are going for a neighbour hood walk,,,,,,turns out to be a walk to the Metro Subway and then what seems to me to be a 5 k walk to Lira Street which is suppose to be a bike and accessory heaven…..after the k’s are walked, he is correct and they are selling everything you could possibly need in the moto World.
Now I had the impression this was 3rd World, was I wrong…..this city of 6 million has malls as big or bigger than TO and every creature comfort you could possibly want.
Today the 10th we again take the subway to Central Rut Office…well within a few k….more walking……..2 wrong offices after waiting in long lines a pretty RUT officer gives us the forms we require and asks us where we are residing. Providencia at Hotel Piso……O sorry she replies you are in the wrond district. She gives Antonio new directions to the other side of the city. ( very pleasant CHICA and easy on my tired eyes…Antonio doesn’t notice ) Another long walk and subway ride back in the direction we started and beyond……..finally find it….in no time the male clerk has us signed out and now we are on our way to the dealer…..long walk turns out to be false location it is the other side of the city….now so far I have followed Antonio but its my turn to ask for directions, so as we are in a mall I go up to the information clerk and in my best spanish… hablo espanol, hablo inglais….no problem he replies, I speak English. Where you from…Canada…. and you….Mexico. I tell him of my Moto trip in Mexico last year and he asks for my Impression….Well I told him the truth and he said with almost a tear in his eyes…Thank you for the kind words and proceeded to locate where we should be….sorry is his comment you need to go to the other side of the city. I thank him find Antonio and we go to TGI Fridays for Cervaza as we are very thirsty, one becomes 2 as we prepare for the long, long walk back to the Metro….bikes will wait until tomorrow….did I say this is a beautiful vibrant city with friendly happy people…..
The madness of the Rut office
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