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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Santiago Chile Day 12- Dec 21 13


Another lazy day for me…awoke feeling somewhat under the weather……after a light breakfast, I completed attaching the Ram Hardware to my bike. Considered working on the panniers ( my 2 Carry on Suitcases ) but my headache was such that I felt drained of any ambition to do so. Instead I chose bed while Antonio went riding but not before he pushed his bike 2 k or more to a petro station. The pictures posted are from his ride.DSCN1638 Street Vendor DSCN1651 SwitchbackDSCN1663 Andes in the distanceDSCN1668 DSCN1686 DSCN1711 DSCN1716 The pics with the exception of the last two are taken about 20 k from the city. This paved stretch consisted of a number of switchbacks which took Antonio about 3000 m higher than Santiago. Our hotel is located about 1/4 inch above and to the right at the bottom right corner of the last pic. Previously, I had a pic posted of the tall building which is also the tallest free standing structure in an ACTIVE EARTH QUAKE Zone.

Our new friends, Petra and Ivor walked to this spot in the final pic today…..I am such a wimp…LOL


  1. Looks cool have you seen any wildlife? keep your ye out for andean condor!!!!

  2. will keep an eye out for one........
