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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Santiago Chile Day10- Dec19 13


Antonio is up and chomping at the bit to get moving….first the breakfast that Rosa has prepared…….then getting our papers sorted as we fully anticipate receiving our Homoglacion papers this am. First, we must get 3rd party insurance for Antonio, he didn’t get his yesterday. Magallanes is located at 2125 Galvarino Gallardo in The District of Providencia. Must point out that all your papers must be acquired in the District wherein you have given your address…..this we learned the hard way and ended up wasting time.  Yes, they are received and we head to the office for the Permiscion de Circulation of the District of Providencia at 990 Marchant Pereira. We learn that in addition to the 3rd party insurance that we have for Chile and 4 other countries, we must get SOAP Insurance for Chile. this is available at this office….we pay 35000.00 pesos. The insurance covers personal injury but just in Chile……an automobile is only 8000 pesos. We get our P to C and are good to go….apparently we can get out of the country and do not require the Permanent issue certificate that will be another 2 weeks in the mail. I know I am boring some of my readers with this but a few may be following from Horizon’s Unlimited or Adventure Rider and this is for their benefit. All and all it is a lot of running around and I would suggest that if you are without any Spanish Skills that you try and hire someone to take you around to the various offices. I met a young Japanese boy who did this and he had everything in 1 day……we have been 9 days, half the result of no Homoglation Papers.

On our walking return from the above, we met a retired couple from Idaho who have wintered in Chile for the past 20 years. Sonia and Raul Hunt are a lovely couple who appear to share a great love not only for one another but for Chile. They were interested in our adventure as much as we were in theirs. We parted company after exchanging emails with Raul giving us his cell # and kindly offering us places to stay at his vacation homes outside of the city. Now how more hospitable and friendly can someone be having just met at the corner of a street………though I am not the type to readily accept such an offer as I feel it to be an intrusion on such a new friendship……thanks Sonia and Raul……it was our pleasure in meeting you.    


  1. My morning routine is reading your blog. Everthing is an adventure.

  2. My morning routine is reading your blog. Everything is an adventure.

    1. Hola Greg, yes and soon we will be on the road.....have a great CHRISTMAS



  3. Sounds like you are nearly ready to get on your mount and TRAVEL--good luck--Ken

  4. Hi Ken, expect to be out of here on Monday....maybe Christmas on the coast. Good to hear from you.
    Warmest Regards
