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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Santiago Chile Day 6-Dec 14 13


Saturday morning in Santiago like a Sunday at home…..most stores closed for the day except the large 7 story mall down the street. I had dinner there tonight on the 7th floor Cafeteria. Take Georgian Mall and make it 7 stories…….the Christmas tree is that tall.

After a light breakfast, we headed out for a walk to find some bolts to attach the bike plates. Antonio was anxious to try out his bike on some quite back streets……I decided against this as we still require insurance.As it turned out after applying the plate, Antonio’s bike battery was lifeless and the kick start no better. Called the Dealer, but they closed at 2 pm. On Monday Antonio’s bike will need to be picked up by the dealer. My bike started ok…..the batteries are a known problem but maybe as it came straight of the truck his battery was low out the door. So insurance on Monday and bike repairs. Unable to apply for homoglacion papers until Wednesday.

Random picks on our walk about……………………………..Santiago Chile Day6 Dec 14 13 001 Santiago Chile Day6 Dec 14 13 002 Santiago Chile Day6 Dec 14 13 004 Santiago Chile Day6 Dec 14 13 005 Santiago Chile Day6 Dec 14 13 009 Justin Beiber fan Club Rally. Maybe he is in Town…..Santiago Chile Day6 Dec 14 13 012 Walking towards the older part of the city…..Santiago Chile Day6 Dec 14 13 015 Santiago Chile Day6 Dec 14 13 016 Santiago Chile Day6 Dec 14 13 018 Here I abandoned Antonio as my injured foot and hip from June was not up to all the walking….took the Metro back to the hotel and went out for dinner.



  1. Hey Bob... Just getting caught up on your blog! You travel fast. You have been through a lot and your not on the road yet! Enjoy!

  2. Not quite through the paper we have one dead bike...LOL

  3. We now have 2 ft. Of snow and it's been cold mlnus 27 be safe Al

  4. HI Al,
    its 39 C here.....send some of that snow to cool my drink.we hope to be on the road by Dec 23rd....likely first to the coast then south into mountainous terrain.

    Say hello to the boys at the rink.
