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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Chillan Chile Day 15-Dec 24 13

Today after a lovely breakfast of boiled eggs, toast and marmalade with Nescafe coffee, we set off for Tomes, a small town on the Pacific Ocean. The road initially was secondary paved with one section of course gravel…..however, on these small bikes no problem.

The 1st 50 k was mixed farming with cash crops, horses and cattle. Following the Gps, we ended up on the toll hwy 152 for the next 30 k. Just before our exit we had to pay 1750 pesos. Yesterday, on Ruta 5 we paid 600 pesos 4 times between Santiago and here……in most SA countries motorcycles are free……’s not easy trying to get the gloves off…finding the pesos in your pocket and holding the bike upright with waiting cars behind you. We exited for the seaside town of Tomes and soon I saw the PACIFIC OCEAN for the 1st time. I felt like Magellan discovering a new great body of water…except I also found a nineteen century town. It was a step back from Santiago but quaint with its old world charm and scenic beach.Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 009   FIRST VIEW….WOW………………Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 014   Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 018 Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 023 Diane, this is your 1st rock laying on the beach of the Pacific…….as I photo it, a wave washes it away and I chase it through the surf…lollChillan Chile-Dec 24 13 026 ………………Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 022 This one is for my son Corey who is an avid bird photographerChillan Chile-Dec 24 13 019 ……………Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 010 These fishing trawlers heading for the dock from which we likely received the catch of the day at a small seaside restaurant. Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 032 …………..Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 030 Parked in front of eatery……Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 033 The Catch. Our Christmas Eve Lunch……which a passing beggar finishes much to the disapproval of the waitress.Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 034 not sure what this is but it just came off the boats and delivered in bags which are unloaded and taken into the restaurant….looks like moss but must be a clam of sorts.Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 035 Scenery outside of Tomes and on the other side of the mountain we climbed through great twisties…perfect for our small motos…..Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 037 Into more flat agriculture area.Chillan Chile-Dec 24 13 039 Finally after a ride in the wrong direction, we arrive back to our hostel.


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