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Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Ultimate Winter Ride March 12 2015


Met two young adventure riders from the UK at McDonalds today Rachel Lasham and Ed March. They started their trip in Alaska last July and have been making their way across Canada since. Imagine riding in –25 to -40 winter weather……and doing it on 125 Honda Posties. Currently they are headed to Newfoundland then on to Washington via the TAT trail, then on to South America.DSCF4069DSCF4066DSCF4067

You can follow along at one of these sites or look them up on Facebook….

All the best to this couple in their travels……..

Yes, I tried to pay the hospitality I have been shown on my travels and asked them if they would stay but they were expected at friends in Toronto tonight. 

Remember the Horizon Unlimited meeting is coming up in June…..REGISTER AT