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Friday, December 20, 2013

Santiago Chile Day 11-Dec 20 13

Santiago Chile Dec 20 13 001 Santiago Chile Dec 20 13 002

A couple pics taken on the NE side of our hotel……last evening a couple arrived from the Netherlands. They are on a South/North American tour by Plane, Bus and car rentals.Holland 001

Antonio went for a couple spins, the last out of the city and up into the mountains climbing to close to 3000 m on some serious switchbacks. Now, I was not with him so can verify non of this. Last night was a restless night for me and as I was tired, I chose to take a rest day.

Tomorrow I plan on prepping my bike to carry my suitcases which will serve as my panniers and attaching the rest of the hardware for my Spot Tracker. We plan on camping as often as possible…so food will need to be carried……my associate has already started stocking up…….I know he likes lots of salt, therefore I have chosen to stock my own supplies which will be mostly vegetables , canned tuna and peanut butter. You can expect a slimmer and more fit person on my return….lol.


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