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Friday, December 27, 2013

Chile Day 17 Dec 26 13


Leaving ChillanChile Dec 26 13 001 We are camped tonight for 1500 pesos each, about $ 3.00 US….nice spot. No one else here but us, though they asked if we could leave by tomorrow as they have a large group coming in. No problem, as we are on the move. How long I use we, may be a matter of only days as we are getting on one another’s nerves…..something like the movie THE ODD COUPLE but on an intellectual level. Antonio is way over my brain functioning level and it annoys him. To night he took a spot prior to me pulling in…….in Canada a site for camping allows 2 tents and at the rate we paid, I naturally thought we should be close together….. when I dismounted my bike about 50 feet away……. Antonio asked for a favour….I replied sure….WHAT…..would you please give me some space……..I am now a little over a FOOTBALL FIELD away….lol. So if we use hostels or motels looks like separate rooms. Worked out for me as I get the only electrical site in the camp……even have a light hanging from the bamboo thicket.Chile Dec 26 13 006

On our stop for fuel and a bite to eat we met a Belgium couple bicycling across South AmericaChile Dec 26 13 003 We then went in the restaurant and I met a lovely couple and their son Kiem……had all their names and Facebook address lost it reaching for money for those dam tolls…Chile Dec 26 13 004  They are on Xmas break and must be back to Caracus Venezuala by January 6th…..they are finishing a 5 year Teaching Contract at an International School teaching English to grade school kids. He is from England and she from Los Angeles California. Interesting couple….I am ticked that I lost their address….they rented this van to tourChile Dec 26 13 005

The hostel we stayed at in Chillan is owned and operated bySamuel Saav

edra Soto and is located at Arauco 890….it’s called Manutara ( Guesthouse) as the # is hard to see…it is on the right hand corner of Arauco & Arturo as you come down Arauco……Chilean towns and cities are laid out mostly in a grid pattern with one ways. The email address is ph 042-2212015.

Samuel we enjoyed our stay though brief, your hospitality was like family and we wish you and your family good fortune. I trust Antonio’s critic of your son’s film was positive and doesn’t have any negative effects…..I enjoyed it and felt the despair of this woman………without understanding any Spanish……..but Antonio is pushing him for excellence and that is a positive thing.  



  1. I don't know how you sleep in that tent lol how many times did it full down?

  2. I don't know how you sleep in that tent lol how many times did it full down?
