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Monday, September 3, 2012

Twisty Roads 2 Sept 2012

Up early at 6 am but my riding buddy was having problems getting and finding what he needed to get his bike loaded….so 8.10 am and finally heading south on 219……not knowing the road and following the GPS we ended up off 219 and found ourselves riding in a circle when we recognized buildings we had passed 3/4 hr ago…..the wonders of GPS.sEPT 2 2012 001 sEPT 2 2012 002

We were not disappointed: after all we are retired and have an open time table…..the detour was spectacular….twisties and up and downs that put your heart in your mouth……I did take one turn wide fortunately no car was met, though this caused us to slow down.Sept 2nd 2012 TWISTIES 007 Sept 2nd 2012 TWISTIES 012 sEPT 2 2012 004 sEPT 2 2012 006

Tonight we are in Keyser West Virginia……now on hwy 220 s heading to Franklin where we will pick up hwy 33 through Virginia to Skyline Dr to avoid paying the Font Royal Park Fee….remember we are pensioners, pinching pennies and trying to do America on 70.00 a day each.

West Virginia born of a nation divided, was the setting for the first campaign of America’s Civil War. It seems that many West Virginians saw their loyalties laying with the Union while the balance of Virgina sided with the souths Confederates… West Virginia didn’t exist officially until 1863. In 1861 Union Gen. George B McClellan’s army crossed the Ohio River and won the battle with the Confederates claiming all land east of the Ohio for the Union. Though in Union control it wasn’t until June 20th 1863 that President Lincoln issued a proclamation under which West Virgina became the 35th state.

Didn’t mean to bore anyone but I know some of my readers are history buffs and may be interested………though I must add that history records many West Virginian Regiments were made up of Ohio and Pennsylvania men and boys.

Till To mor…..goodnight   


  1. Slowing down on all those twisters is a good thing!!!

  2. You'd better tell that Pedro to get his act together. Knowing you if you were up at 6AM you'd be on the road by 6:30AM.

  3. He is working on it. He tells me that he was better when he flew in Nain,NFD.......
