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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chechen Itza-Sept 26 12



Non Riding Day…….up at 8 am gathering our dirty laundry, my damp cloths have been in a dry sack  for a few days and the smell was enough to knock you out…LOLChichen Itza-Sept 26 12 025 Landeria 1KG 60 pesos

Then we hired a taxi to take us to the Chechen Ruins…30 pesos. We had to purchase 2 tickets totalling 157 pesos each to gain entry. Unfortunately for me I found this site much lss spectacular than Tijan near Papantla. The commercialism is both inside and outside the grounds. Chichen Itza-Sept 26 12 001 1st view ahead of the crowd  Chichen Itza-Sept 26 12 002 the main templeChichen Itza-Sept 26 12 007 another angleChichen Itza-Sept 26 12 004 pillars that extend for hundreds of feet and would have had a peaked thatch roof, possibly a second story and likely was a market area….main squareChichen Itza-Sept 26 12 005 Chichen Itza-Sept 26 12 010 Chichen Itza-Sept 26 12 011 alterChichen Itza-Sept 26 12 014 Chichen Itza-Sept 26 12 020 1 side of  the ball court in which the winners would lose their head, considered an honour…..should add this clause to the new NHL contract…….would free up some cash on the cap, Mr BettmanChichen Itza-Sept 26 12 021 Chichen Itza-Sept 26 12 017 venders and more venders………..Chichen Itza-Sept 26 12 018 this is a well that is at least 150 feet in diameter and about 70 feet deep with 20 feet of water and is at the end of a built up road in the previous pic which is 1/4 mile long.


  1. Chechen Itza --- Been there...done that, got the T Shirt! Good Memories.

  2. These ruins are amazing. I love the way they look!

    1. They are interesting and if they had the thatched roofs on the columns would be more spectacular.....not all the ruins are uncovered

  3. do they still use the well does not look as if there is a fence around it.

    Whats the building in the first pictures, looks kind of cool/

  4. not much of a fence......and no.......other building
