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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cuidad Victoria to Ozuluama Mx-Sept 18 12


This has been a long day as we had electrical problems again and needed to ask Mr Rodriquez for assistance again……not only did he drive out to the motel and check out the circuits…he was back in the morning to escort us back to his home and drive us around the city to electronic shops until we had the problem resolved….Again thank you Rodolfo.Ciudad Victoria to South of Tampico- Sept 18 12 004 Ciudad Victoria to South of Tampico- Sept 18 12 005

Rodolfo advised us to take the 85 hwy but I think we made an error and ended up on the old one. By the time we reached Tampico we were soaked in our own sweat… was 32c and traffic was heavy in the city. Stopped at Burger King for late lunch 3 pm…..back on the road, we ended up riding in circles in this seemingly thriving city unable to find our way out. Pedro asked a moto delivery person and he led us to exit…

Crossed a long modern span bridge: on which, I wish I had been able to stop and take some pictures. After crossing we encountered a toll manned by the army all with machine guns……we paid our 30.00 pesos and continued on……Only noticed one dead smelly horse corpse today….

Last evening we spent the night in A Love Motel. You drive in don’t check in at the office and when you see an open garage door you drive in and close the door. The motel attendant comes to the outside of your room where there is a turntable with one side open and the other closed….he or she asks how long you will require the room and you pay by the hour….meals are ordered by phone and delivered to the turntable. We had help so went the office routine as Rodolfo Jr and his sister negotiated our entire nights stay……the attendant kept trying to close the door but I insisted it be open. I discreetly watched those coming and some going from my spot at the front of the garage……what surprised me was the traffic arriving at 8 am…..go figure a romp before heading to the office.    

Itubine-Cuidad Victoria-Sept 17 12 013 Itubine-Cuidad Victoria-Sept 17 12 014 Itubine-Cuidad Victoria-Sept 17 12 015 Itubine-Cuidad Victoria-Sept 17 12 016

The Love Motel @ 265.00 pesos

Ciudad Victoria to South of Tampico- Sept 18 12 001

motel in Ozuluama very old @ 350 pesos…take me back to The Love Motel……….


Only 265 pesos…..great room except Pedro chose the floor to the King bed….wasn’t sharing a bed with me….LOL

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