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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Port Allen LA to Navasota Texas-Sept 12 12

Port Allan Louisiana to NAVASOTA tEXAS sEPT 12 12 003


Up early and on the I-190W…..for the 1st 3 hours it was 4 lane but afterwards mostly 2 lane with light traffic. Stopped for lunch in a town all but disappearing called Newton Tx not far from the border.Port Allan Louisiana to NAVASOTA tEXAS sEPT 12 12 008 Port Allan Louisiana to NAVASOTA tEXAS sEPT 12 12 009 

We passed Sugar Cane and a few Cattle Farms…..seems Lumber is a staple of the economy for many of the small villages. Pine seems fairly abundant, though most is not large in diameter and is used in local furniture manufacturing. We are winding our way through the back roads….early this afternoon we encountered bugs That reminded me of earwicks except these flew……the locals call them love bugs…..We had to wash our bikes and visors. Today was a mix of sun, cloud and a short down pour……..then Sun and hot….

Tonight we are hold up in a motel 8, the second one in a row.Port Allan Louisiana to NAVASOTA tEXAS sEPT 12 12 011  Pedro, thankful to be off the bike.

Tomorrow, we are heading to Boerne Tx where Pedro is going to have his bike serviced. We will try and do River Walk and the Alamo before heading for Mexico.  

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