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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Veracruz to Lerdo de Tejada mx ( I think ) Sept 22 12



Wrote yesterdays post at 3 pm as I couldn’t sleep….published after 9 am as McDonalds doesn’t open until then…go figure.

After breakfast we wondered around the city lost looking for chain lube….each bike shop we came to had no stock…..long story short after being lost for 2 hours we ended up a couple blocks from our motel at a Kawasaki Dealer and Pedro bought all their lube 5 cans. As I have said before, things happen for a reason…as we entered the road next to the beach we ran into Mike another old timer like us, from Alabama, who was heading for Argentina. Mike is riding a KLR 650. He was criss crossing the country and had most recently been in Mexico City where he spent a week exploring the various Museums. You can find Mike’s Blog at Horizons Unlimited…go to the Hubb-Ride Tales-Ratbikemike-We parted company with Mike at the intersection of 180 and 175 as he was going back into the interior and we were going up the Gulf Course towards Cancun.Veracruz-South Sept 22 12 001Veracruz-South Sept 22 12 004 Veracruz-South Sept 22 12 005

While in Veracruz, Greg Powell gave us a lead to a biker he knew there and Pedro was in correspondence via the net with another Mike.

To night we are in another Love Motel on the outskirts of a town I only guess at the name…..pop approx 20,000. Only industry is 2 Sugar Cane factories. I learned this from a young man who spoke English and was working as a guard at the grocery store…average wage he says is 10.00 us per day.We get by by sign language and that picture translator book that Greg put us on to.  


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