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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Navasota Tx to San Antonio- Sept 13 12


San Antonio Sept 13 12 001  dEALER IN bOERNE TX

We are currently sitting at the BMW/Triumph Dealer outside Boerne Tx. We arrived here at 1 pm after riding through some rain showers while kinda lost…..remember we are running back roads. Pedro is getting his bike oil changed and computer flashed…I expect we will head into San Antonio for the night and head for Eagles Pass in the AM.

In my attempt to avoid Austin and San Marcus, I ended up in both, having missed the side road to avoid these urban centers…..they are outrages, 70 posted speed….average closer to 80…..we where following a double wide house on a trailer doing 70 in the rain, in heavy traffic….O me nerves. 


  1. Ya, they know how to move in Texas... been there, done that!

  2. Leaving San Antonio south the posted limit was 75....go shortage of gas I guess.....

  3. Why does the bikes computer need to be flashed?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh Me Nerves is right !!! LOL
