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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Palenque to San Christobel Mx Sept 29 –12 Part 0ne


At the ruins early….took a bus taxi from the hotel and spent the morning wandering about the ruins including a climb up one of them…approx 100 steps 9 inches each….steep

Palenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 004 Palenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 007 Palenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 009 Still uncovering Palenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 010  Fresh water which they channelled through the complex. The complete system was covered as you can see at the top of the pics. The mayans used a arch system.Palenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 012 Palenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 013 Palenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 017 Palenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 018 Palenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 021 taken from the templePalenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 022 the main can likely zoom in and see the girl still at the bottomPalenque Ruins to San Christobel Sept 29 2012 027 moi on the edge


  1. Hey Bob. My first chance to say 'hi' and congrats on an amazing journey and the excellent commentary and fabulous pictures! What an adventure! Hey, I had a great chat and lunch with Greg Powell last weekened at the HU meet at Horseshoe. Small world eh? Anyway guys ride safe, be safe, enjoy and keep us poor people up north in the loop. You are better than any newspaper! Talk soon.

  2. PS. Just starting to ride again after breaking my collar bone coming of a bike. (not mine). Now I have titanium plate and 10 screws. :) Does this mean I cant fly anymore???

    1. sorry to hear about your will have to fly with a notorized piece of paper declaring you are partially
      Also you may not have heard...we have decided to shorten the trip and are visiting just Mexico....maybe we spent to much time on the east and yucatan penn...the heat has been a killer and combined with the topes hard on my body which I thought healed enough but not...expect to be back mid to late Oct

  3. Greats pics, it looks like there are hardly anyone else at these ruins, when we went there was bus loads. These ones look like some of the best, I didn't no there was so many locations for ruins.

    1. ruins all through Mx...We have passed at least 4 that we didn't visit
