I was awaken early this am by a loud bang, it was heavy thunder. Shortly after the power went out and then the down pour. The night before the owner had me park my bike in the corner spot….the bike was covered but could it withstand the amount coming off the roof. I dressed and ran out only to step in about 6 inches of water…..it was coming off the roof so hard and unto the bike…no way could I handle the bike under that. This am I learned that the nylon bags I bought at Princess Auto and then re waterproofed them got my stuff wet inside…..cloths yet to be worn.
The morning drive was slow with traffic bumper to bumper…..due to an accident plus the constant speed bumps at every little hamlet or roadside stall. The afternoon found us only as far as Tuxapan, we tried to check into another LOVE MOTEL but at 670.00 pesos we moved on. Found our way out of the city and a short while later a Toll Road….we decided we had to eat before continuing, so we did a U turn and pulled .over to ask the Policia for directions to MacDonald. Six officers and none spoke English but Pedro seemed to excite them enough that they said they would lead us there for 2 Cokes….ok we can accept those conditions…so off we went…..they stopped at an outside cooking stall. Had we been had or did Pedro just have them confused. The lunch was superb and cost 10.00 us dollars including the 2 coke for the Policia.
Wtg Coke
Through the toll but Pedro stopped to soon and had the booth barrier come down on his back case…the attendant ran out and lifted it off. We exited the freeway and came upon the quaintest city. Papantla Mx……likely a population of 50,000 or more….streets are narrow….busy…lots of one ways as we found out…went down one with traffic moving over to avoid us….parked looking for a hotel…Policia came over and pointed to the other side….I turned around and parked on the other side …Pedro was still not back. The officer was curtious as where the drivers who didn’t get ticked that we went the wrong way. Never have I seen so many taxis as here. What a vibrant city…..it is now 8:45 and the streets and square are as busy as at noon……stores in every nook and cranny. Mexico is more alive than any place I have ever been. The clothing stores as fashionable as New York with Restaurants teeming with activity……
Great pictures Bob, stay on the right side of the Policia!