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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ironhorse Motorcycle Lodge-Sept 8 2012


Relaxing day after 5 days in the saddle……..though we did a short ride Iron Horse-Sept 9 2012-9th day 005 into Robbinsville which is 9 miles from here where I had WHEELERS BIKE SHOP change my oil and filter……this shop had everything from tires to clutch levers ,clothing,batteries you name it. Ken the owner was working alone, his help didn’t show and man was he busy. We had to wait in line as he dismantled the front of a Harley, put a DACATI ON HIS DYNO machine, tire on a rear wheel served customers at the counter and change my oil. In all we likely spent 2 enjoyable hours watching this guy work….of course he had to deal with Pedro who bombarded him with many questions from batteries to tires. Pedro later told me that Ken sold over 1000 tires last season.

Robbinsville is on the start of the famous Moto Road known as the TAIL OF THE DRAGON….together with the Cherohal Loop it is 120 miles of Rider Adrenalin unless you are me at 5 miles per hour or less. The Dragon Loop at DEALS GAP is 11 miles with 318 hair raising curves which claim unfortunately a few lives each year. Pedro and Greg Powell, a speaker at the rally, will challenge it today. Me, been there done that, still in one piece will sit it out and wash my bike.Iron Horse-Sept 9 2012-9th day 003 Iron Horse-Sept 9 2012-9th day 004 Iron Horse-Sept 9 2012-9th day 015 Iron Horse-Sept 9 2012-9th day 007 This bike has been around the world…note tire strapped to the front.Iron Horse-Sept 9 2012-9th day 006 Iron Horse-Sept 9 2012-9th day 013 Iron Horse-Sept 9 2012-9th day 016 Greg Powell, just arriving left TORONTO at 8 pm last night…….it took us 5 days…must get PEDRO out of 2nd gear.Iron Horse-Sept 9 2012-9th day 011 My bike waiting its turn at Wheelers, if anyone needs work on their bike while here, this shop comes highly recommended.



  1. I did "The Dragon" just this past Spring. Ya, I'd sit it out also next time.

  2. But its good to say you did it.......
