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Monday, September 10, 2012

Gadsden Albama to Laurel Missi-Sept 10 2012



We were on the road late as it takes Pedro so long to find stuff….one day its his wallet another it will be his keys. By 8:30 am we were racing down the 411 hwy which is a secondary road south In Alabama….then the 25, 43, 119, 459 and at Birmingham we entered the 59 expressway. This was nerve wracking after a week on secondary hwys….the traffic speed was 80 plus and heavy….it sucked so after reaching Meridian we exited to 11 south on the advise of Missi Welcomeb Staff….Pedro charmed the attendants into finding Mississipi stickers for our bikes. The 411/25 was fun when we entered the mountains and reminded me of the Dragons Tail……who would have thought….Alabama has mountains.Gadsden Al to Meridian Miss-Sept 1012 003 Mississipi Welcome  Center……………………Gadsden Al to Meridian Miss-Sept 1012 005 Put you curser on the pic and you will see Pedro trying to charm a better rate with covered parking. We are enjoying rural Mississipi.


  1. Oh My, That Pedro is a challenge ! LOL You'll have to wake him up an hour earlier in order to get on the road in time.

  2. He is working at it....LOL....he says he from Happy Valley. I haven't told him about the time difference so he is getting up an hour early LOL
