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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Trujillo to Piura-Dec 19-2017

Made this trip in 7 1/2 hours.........getting good at risking limb and life splitting traffic and just going for it, in the cities........went through one city that had bomb like craters street after street with cars, trucks and Tuk Tuks going in all directions to get through them...something to see.

I have been making up time driving on the Pan America Hwy....passing on the right paved shoulder is becoming a habit at 85k and you must be prepared to hit the shoulder for oncoming passers.....

A NOTE about garbage.....unbelievable ......on the outskirts of cities and towns it appears they just dump the trash anywhere....mattresses etc....plastic everywhere even in the towns/cities......stinks.

Tomorrow I hope to get into Ecuador......

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