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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Cusco toChalhuanca-Dec 8 2017

Though google maps suggested a 6 hour trip it took a full 8 hours of knuckle grinding riding to reach our destination. Paved roads are excellent, no pot holes but switch back after switch back as you ride through the on the above to see what I mean..a double click enlarges the pics.
 Ready to leave Hotel Saphi in Cusco
 Ken rounding an out crop in a better area of the mountains
 In a valley but soon would rise back up and around more peaks...
 An hour long wait for road paving ahead.....truckers complaining to Police women.....We had ridden this section 2 days ago going to Cusco....and back tracking took us close to 3 hours.....again we had a short run of about 160 miles but it took us 8 hours.
 You can see the ribbon of road we have been never seems to end as we go up and around peak after peak....becomes very tiring keeping the bike in your lane on the 180 degree corners plus which are almost continuous at higher elevations.
 Upon arriving at Hotel Trails end we were greeted by one of many farm animals on site....
 We are the only guests but judging from the number of moto stickers from various individual travellers is a popular stop.

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