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Sunday, December 17, 2017

Huanuco to Huaraz-Dec17-201

On the road by 6.30 am with a send off from Sarah,Toby and my buddy was tough striking out on my own after having Ken's company and support.
 Ken is behind the lens.....

Ken had my Gps programmed for Huaraz and it performed flawlessly for 1/2 hour...then went dead....I had feared this......after Toby's mechanic had torn the bike apart to fix the oil leak. It had been running on battery power....I asked many times in sign and written this the direction for Huaraz....and despite the worrisome encounters....I made it.

The road was the worse driven on for the first 4 hours....pot holes that could take the wheels off a bike....broken pavement...some mud and worst of all a road closer for 5 hours to let tar slurry set up.Huaraz if I don't get lost,
I moved to the front of the line and a construction worker took pity on me and said I could walk my bike along the left side of the slurry....shit it is only 12 inches and less of shoulder then drops into the obis ......he saw me stop after about 500 feet and walked down to see the problem....I pointed to less than 6 inches of shoulder and my bike is heavy with all the stuff.......he had me walk it across to the  right side....indicating to go into the ditch which ran beside the cliff....
.crap my bags are scrapping the sides in places....I am bushed and decide to start it and ride the ditch...I stall numerous times getting stuck and trying to get over rocks and keep from tearing the bags but I make it out after 1 kilometer....thanks construction crew....this set me back about 3/4 of an hour and I still believe I can make


 About 1 pm the weather took a turn for the worse as I was going over the mountain....1st hail then sleet and rain for the last 3 hours but I made it. I used a motorcycle cop to guide me to a hotel.........cannot say enough about the people here........I also was stopped in a police check...all went well and they let me go..............


  1. I am planning a trip to Cuenca from Huanuco starting the next two or three days and will probably follow the trail that you're on currently. Any thoughts good, bad or indifferent on this route would be helpful. Also if you know a nice spot to stay in Huanuco I would appreciate it. Keep the shiny side up. Bo

  2. Bo, I am in Huanuco until Monday....if your still here contact me and we can get together along with another Canadian who has just arrived
