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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Banos Day 3-Dec 31 2017-NEW YEAR'S EVE

Just asked the Lady owner who is from CHICAGO who she was burning tonight. What, your thinking. It is a New Year's tradition to burn an effigy of someone you may have not liked...maybe a POLITICIAN ( Los anos viejos)(the old year) out with the old and in with the new. At midnight the custom to eat 12 grapes...1 at each stroke of the for each coming month to bring good fortune......don't miss the bell or eat before hand as this spells misfortune. Apparently men will dress as women pretending to be the widows of the OLD YEAR( Los anos viejos ) .They block the streets and demand a token money donation to allow you to proceed. At midnight a custom which sounds exciting is to kiss many people......hopefully the opposite sex.....then of course there is the dancing in the streets ....topped off with fireworks at midnight..... to the opening question SURPRISED me......she is considering THE DONALD holding hands with KIM JONG-UN........
 Sorry, I am not a FAN anymore of THE DONALD.........and cannot understand why so called CHRISTIANS support him.........he has done the opposite of what he campaigned on and appointed all the people he threatened in DRAIN THE the way it is not FALSE NEWS that the American Economy was already on the upswing under OBAMA's WATCH.......for which the (donald) has taken credit which is FALSE NEWS What the above have in common with PUTIN.....TOTALITARIANISM  


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