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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Banos Day 3 Part 2-Dec 31 2017

I went earyl around 6pm to explore what might be occurring around town.......
 Men dressed as women......

 costumed characters 


 The owners of my hostel suggested I try dinner at their son's pub...THE STRAY DOG so named after the dog which died rescuing people trapped in the earth quake of 2016........

 my Pub Fair Fish and Chips

 Actual people appearing as toy soldiers

 It is early and the side streets are filling with people ready to celebrate into the night.

 The effigies will be burned in the streets around midnight


 Selling grapes to be eaten during the ringing of the bells heralding in the New Year,,,,,,remember eat 1 grape at each ring representing a month of the coming year.


Yellow is the colour of the underwear you should be wearing to bring good fortune in the New Year.

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