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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Cuenca Day 7- Dec 27 2017

Little to report....been raining the last couple days though it cleared this afternoon and is warm compared to this morning. I needed to get my M/C boots polished....they are a I walked towards El Centro after breakfast. Stopped at the 1st shoe shiner I came to at a market....he took one look and shook his it was off to Parc de Calderon where I had seen many young lads looking for work. A light rain was falling and I had on my rain gear and riding boots hoping they might get a wash, Yes, a young lad took on the challenge and for $1.00 plus a tip of an equal amount they look as new.

Spent 4 hours sitting in the park watching people go about their day......relaxing for me and only interrupted by a coffee break and lunch....then the 1 hour trek to my pics left the camera behind. Just finish a light sink wash and hung the garments on my bike.

I will be packing it in here soon and heading for Banos on the 29th....rain is in the forecast for the week....hope the weather forecast is wrong.....I have been fighting a head cold since I arrived.


  1. Hope you don't have the forecasted rain...BTW..check your date...2012 was some time ago...

  2. Thanks amigo....will change 2017
