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Friday, December 1, 2017

Full Day Prepping Bikes Huanuco-Dec 1 2017

Toby and Sarah prepared a great breakfast.....spinach & kale omelette, fresh fruit salad, side of avocado the size of grapefruit,fresh buns and homemade jam...juices made from a cranberry type fruit harvested in the Amazon Jungle...We are hoping to get away before 7 am tomorrow but their is a problem with Ken's apparently has a slight front wheel wobble and they are having a new shaft machined locally.....the delay is frustrating as one would have thought they would have noticed and fixed before our arrival. It is now 3:15 pm and still waiting on the repair......but this is manana,manana.
Ken and I took a walk up to a Hacienda near by that was a couple hundred years old and slowly being brought back to life.....most have been something in it's day. It is still in the family and the pics I am about to post taken from the rooftop terrace at Toby's shows the area which was all sugar cane developed into a suburb. I went up to take some pictures but the place was gated. as I was about to walk away a gentleman who I presume was the caretaker opened the gate.....I asked in my poor Espanol if I could take some photos....he asked me to wait in sign language while he went for the owner...5 minutes passed and the owner introduced himself and I replied " lo siento mi espanol no es muy bueno....he laughed and replied nor his English...we shook hands and he invited me in to take photos explaining that it had once been a large did I know....was able to understand a couple words as they are almost the same in English. Meanwhile Ken, who had gone for a walk while I waited at the gate was locked out and missed the tour.
 View across 

The Hacienda in the distance.....

 This can't be my bike

My bike awaiting the inner fender install/GPS/GO PRO/SPOT

 SORRY it needs a front wheel Ken

 You will note re bar sticking up on the roof tops of many of my pics.....though parts of this subdivision is 10 years old....the owners don't complete the project to avoid higher would thing the government would see an opportunity here to pass some legislation to increase revenues.

old tractor with iron spiked wheels


It is now 7:25 pm and our bike are still being prepared, though mine was just a dead battery.
Ken's bike has the wheel axle fixed but the rear rack was hitting on the swing arm and they have decided to cut the rack and widen it............ 


  1. Replies
    1. same time as at home....we have a rest day here in Ayacucho
      ...good think as I have the will spend the day close to the toilet and blog

    2. Things move slowly and unhurried is what I think native time means. Good you aren’t on the bike with your stomach issue
