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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Cuenca Day 6- Boxing Day Dec 26 2017

This morning after breakfast, I serviced my bike with a touch of oil, chain adjustment and thought how filthy this bike is....should have taken a picture. Decided to find a wash for it.  (Puedes lavar me moto. ) Can you wash my motorcycle......memorized the phrase and went looking for an auto Lavandar. Found a detailer, CAR DR. PLUS,  and paid $ 15.00 usa. Picked bike up 2 hours later and didn't recognize it....didn't look this good when I bought it.....they even detailed my helmet.

 At the moment the bike is sitting outside the gated compound at the hostel....young lady couldn't find the key to open..........hope it is still there when she finds it........On another note unable to find if I require 2015 apparently SOAT insurance was abandoned and replaced with a new form of coverage that Ecuadorian licenced vehicles purchased and foreign licenced bikes with a valid TIP were automatically covered.

Hopefully this is true as my last trip in February here, I was stopped 5 times in 9 days.......but then I had a rented insured Freedom Adventure bike. Contacted Court Rand at Freedom but he had no knowledge of the rules on bikes domiciled outside Ecuador. 

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