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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Ayacucho to Andahuaytas-DEC 5 2017

Awoke early to shouting below....looking out the window saw a legion of about 100 plus Police Cadets and band practicing marching drills. A quarter of the troop where women with half the cadets brandishing weapons. Upon departing early this morning I dropped the bike at the gate when I was forced to stop for a car coming down the street, landing on the sidewalk....the security guards rush to my aid and lifted the bike with a chuckle.....sorry no photo op ....

It was hectic getting out of the city, taking about 1/2 hour and after 20 k in that time I asked Ken to pull over as I recognized the area as the route we came in.......he rechecked his co ordinates and said we were on the right track....40 k later I had m reservations and we stopped again, rechecking our GPS inputs.....turns out Ken was right.....I guess Ayacucho was not a pass through city. The riding was spectacular as we descended from 14000 feet to 8000. We had the road , which was great pavement almost to ourselves and it was so twisty that it took 2 hours to get to 8000.ok until we get back to Huanuco on the 17th and let Toby fix it.  Not the only problem, today...Ken's right mirror fell off but he caught it while riding, on the first day out checking his oil the dip stick was none existent, fortunately his bike has a window to view the level. The second day out my I noticed my gas Gage was bouncing all over the it is not even visible.
 All 4 pics taken from same spot...see the ribbon of road below 

Ken is on a switchback below me on the above with this pic taken telephoto 

We spent another 3 1/2 hours getting to where we are now at 6000 ft. Along the way we did stop for a few photos....meeting a young Parisian lad on a very old 125 beefed up to a 150cc and leaking oil around the head gasket.

 Only a few of the hazards....Ken ran over a dragging rope on a calves neck and the poor thing nearly did a tumble.  Pigs and sheep also slowed us down. 
Mine is also showing a leak at 990k....Ken says it is small and we will keep a close watch on it ...... he believes it will be
Tonight we are in another nice hotel in a rather unattractive city in which our Gps took us through a closed street with sewer construction ending in us climbing over a mound of gravel into oncoming traffic which was courteous to break and let us go to the right......o well when in Peru drive as they works.
 typical village construction...mud bricks

 Stopped and gave these kids candy with consent of mom

 Andahuaytas below

 Our lodging Hotel Maison

 Villages along the way 


Tomorrow is a long ride maybe 9 hours ...hope not....I hear rain following is 9:30 pm...Ken wants to be on the road by 7 and has set his alarm for 5:30am.....I still need to pack up...he is already asleep...last night I was up until 1 pm to catch up on blogging. 

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