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Sunday, June 23, 2013

DAY 22- St Thomas Quebec to Home-June 22-13


Awoke at 5am and packed the bike….took an hour as I was only able to hobble about….it was raining heavily as I rode off towards Montreal. Soon i lost my way stopping in Jolliette to get directions at a service station . Non anglais…..I follow his hand directions and soon on the hwy 40 headed for Montreal. Not knowing my way around Montreal I see a sign for Laval and think that is on the west side of the city;;;; so I take the 640 then the 440 and ride through Laval picking up hwy 15 to 50 which finally gets me to Ottawa.

Last night a friend had offered to meet me at the border……the discomfort with the foot was challenging, especially at stops trying to hold the bike up…so I accepted and suggested Renfrew On where I purchased the bike….it needed some repairs and a service. We met at the Suzuki Dealer, Pauline and Jim helped  Doug load my luggage into my 4 wheel ride. Four hours later we are home…I shower and head to the hospital…its 6 pm at 9.05 I am headed home with instructions to get Alieve, purchase a compression sock, rest with my foot elivated above my heart…now on crutches walking is less painful. Apparently my foot flipped at the ankle 90 degrees….. a fracture at the ankle but in reALITY JUST BONE CHIPS ….the ligament was severely stretched. I told the Doc that it did look odd so I had kicked it against the road and it popped back in place…….surprising what you can do when adrenalin is at its peak……..the Doc couldn’t believe I rode the bike 1800 k after this mishap……..well I did have assistance the last 248 k thanks to Doug.

I am happy to be home, happy to know that Don is on the mend and grateful for the help and friendship of people along the way,,,,SPECIAl ….thanks to Denise,Carol and Don,Karen and Shane and Doug H, the two young lads who helped me with my bike and to God for getting us home.   


  1. And I'm happy you're off the road and that friggin' bike !!

    1. You know.......though the accident last June in BC was more serious....this time I am glad to be off the bike and home...LOL

  2. Wow...what a trip Bob! Glad you are OK and at home.

  3. Thanks....Happy to be Home....
