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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 15-Rocky Harbour to HAY Cove (VIKINGS)June 15-13


Sleepless night for both of us as Don’s new electric ceramic heater created a disturbance every 15 minutes………awoke to the usual, more rain. Who is getting nice weather…what’s with the weather man he said this was going to be a nice week end…..da

Saw my 1st Moose of the trip, Don claims number 4, I must be more observant. The road follows close to the coast and it is quite pretty even in the rain…..few pics as it was so miserable, I couldn’t be bothered to stopRocky Harbor to Hay Cove (Vikings)-June 15 13 001 click on the pics to enlarge….a typical fishing scene with the lobster boat and pots. Fishermen are getting only 3.50 a pound which barely covers their costs….apparently the supply is plentiful and this has driven the costs down…Rocky Harbor to Hay Cove (Vikings)-June 15 13 002 see the fog we are riding in, along with rain and WIND. Thelma, our B&B host tells us it gets so bad that the siding rattles all day and night.Rocky Harbor to Hay Cove (Vikings)-June 15 13 003 Around 1 pm we take a break and have an excellent pizza and Caesar salad in Hawks Bay. Here, we find a pamphlet on Viking Nest B&B and phone and net 2 rooms for the night. We are still 2 hours away , arriving about 4.30. We stopped earlier in St Barbie to inquire on times for crossing to Labrador…….as we want to see the Viking Museum and the unearthed ruins, we will catch the 3.30 pm ferry which is 1 1/2 hrs away, plus we must be there 1 hr early……so must do the tour by Noon to make it and hopefully get passage…….the booking office only opens 2 hours before sailing and it was closed…….trusting in luck…….

Great Fish Chowder dinner along with fresh cod lightly battered …..O…so GOOD.Rocky Harbor to Hay Cove-GOPRO JN 15 13 001   Place was packed……Don, even talked me into dessert……………………………………………………..Rocky Harbor to Hay Cove (Vikings)-June 15 13 008 Rocky Harbor to Hay Cove (Vikings)-June 15 13 009 my roomRocky Harbor to Hay Cove (Vikings)-June 15 13 010   view from my window……

Good night…