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Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 13-St John’s to Gander-June 13-13


Waking early to rain was not ideal…….my friend Denise had suggested that we do the Irish Loop. This would have taken us along the southern portion of the peninsula and up to the area in which Don and Carol had offered us their cabin for the night. The cabin is a term Nflers use as we would cottage….the cottage was near WHITBOURNE. The rain, cold ( 7c) and wind caused us to alter the plan and do the smaller northern loop that would bring us out to the dreaded narrow portion of Nfl connecting greater St John’s to the larger body of land. Feared by moi as I had already experienced the winds crossing it on a more pleasant day.Gander to ST John & Back June !2 & 13th 055  overlooking one of the many inlets.

This guy seems to get in all my pics !Gander to ST John & Back June !2 & 13th 061   Gander to ST John & Back June !2 & 13th 059Gander to ST John & Back June !2 & 13th 056

The ride in heavy winds and rain continued for most of the day…..we did however : get to enjoy the scenery but pic taking had to be discontinued….all my concentration was focused on keeping my wheels upright in the wind and downpour.

Motoring into Gander around 5.30 pm, we were able to secure lodging at the same motel we stayed in on the way to St John’s though this time in a cabin.June 14 13 Gander to Rocky Point 001



NOW LAST NIGHT i MISSED MENTIONING THAT DON took us along the tiny passages of Battery Road……in his car no less….I would have a difficult time on the bike. These streets or pathways are against the steps of houses that must be toe nailed to the cliffs.Gander to ST John & Back June !2 & 13th 046 Gander to ST John & Back June !2 & 13th 044

Again thanks Don for this tour…….


  1. "The Battery" is pretty unique ain't it !!

  2. looks like some really nice views on the coast.
