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Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 14- Gander to Rocky Harbour June 14-13


Its not raining ye ye but its cold, so out comes the long johns, my boots are still soaked, cloves have spent the night getting toasted on the electric rad with the heat cranked to high……..crap I dropped the cabin keys in between the floor boards of the deck….we spend precious dry moments finding them…its now sprinkling as we depart for Gros Morne National Park. This is our intended target and we s

oon run out of the drizzle but the cold persists until we reach the 430 or Viking Rte towards St Anthoney Nfl. June 14 13 Go Pro Gander to Rocky Pt 008  hey thought we where on the TCH ( Trans Canada Hwy ) Don, I think that’s a rail trestle up there…..June 14 13 Go Pro Gander to Rocky Pt 010 Yup….I’m right…Don has decided on a short cut saying he needs to get some off road practice for the Labrador crossing……we may have to hire  dog sleds as we are seeing snow at the park…..Hey Don, did you know that Joey negotiated closing this railway with the Federal Government for 400 million…….why……Nfl had a narrow gage system and the trains crossed as we did on the Ferry….each crossing the wheel systems had to be changed on all the cars………a costly and time consuming effort so Joey…then Premier sold out…………I hear he was quite rich. 


So here we are at Rocky Harbour, in the National Park, at a KOA kabin for the night….the closest I have gotten my 5 Star friend to camping. The tents could be next !June 14 13 Gander to Rocky Point 004 June 14 13 Gander to Rocky Point 006 June 14 13 Gander to Rocky Point 008 June 14 13 Gander to Rocky Point 009 June 14 13 Gander to Rocky Point 010

You guessed it….I got the bunk, the big guy got the double bed….after all he is bigger.June 14 13 Gander to Rocky Point 013  Rocky Harbour.


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