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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 2- Ride to Lake George- June 2-13


Up early 6 am raining cats and dogs…….torrential downpour, our bikes are dry, their under the entry. Load the bikes with all the gear, enjoy a continental breaky hoping for a dry spell. God answered our prayer, armed with the Ferry Schedule which Pedro had printed for us back in Cobourg and which I had mistakenly interpreded as sailing at 735 am. We arrived at 720 to see it sailing from the Doc……a review of the paper work indicated  715 am….next sailing 830am. Its now kingston to Lake George NY-June 02 13 001 raining, fortunately a Tim’s is next to the terminal. kingston to Lake George NY-June 02 13 002 loaded and enroute to Wolf Isl.  Next Ferry to NY was much smaller….basically a raft……..Customs was a breeze, though I was asked if the Go Pro was off……..ok you can go……..

GOPR0139 That’s Don……in the Fog on Wolf Islkingston to Lake George NY-June 02 13 003 Stopped for Cafe and noticed that Lowville NY must be the Diary Capital in these parts.

kingston to Lake George NY-June 02 13 005  Don’s GPS took us in the wrong direction and we resorted to the old paper map….soon found a great place to have lunch in Old Forge a busy village with White Water rafting.

Now in Lake George at The Adirondack Diamond Resort…..a 3 star with a 5 star price tag……..Don had to ask for hangers and we had to listen to the rules……..more tomorrow


  1. I guess that means no loud parties in your room? LOL

  2. Gotta love Timmies - they are everywhere !
