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Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 3-Americade Lake George NY-June 3-13


Woke up early to a bright sunny morning……….Americade-June 03 13 001 not a sole in the poolAmericade-June 03 13 002 nor anyone at the bar….

With so little happening at our lodging we decided to try the Tikii Motel in Lake George….Patsy & Frank Beynon had recommended this place…for a great breakfast……excellent….Thanks.

Next was registration directly across the road at the Holiday Inn……we were early so stood in line for 1 hour.Americade-June 03 13 011  

Americade-June 03 13 009 the line of motorcyclist would soon stretch down that sidewalk and around the corner…..we where in the 1st 20 inside the building….next off to the vendors area where we parked in a very soggy field…the dual sport aspects of our bikes came in handy.Americade-June 03 13 013   Americade-June 03 13 014 entering…the vendor area …..lots to see….hey Don out of my way I am taking pics of the vendors…Americade-June 03 13 024 Americade-June 03 13 025 Americade-June 03 13 026 wonder what they are selling….hey Don…I’ll catch up later.

If you need anything for your bike….you can get it here and installed… was after the girls had lost interest in me that I watched Don spend his retirement savings on Denali Fog lights… Twisted Throttle who also installed same……while they did that Don dragged me up to J & M Communications where he had me part with my piggy bank jar ……purchasing a wifi communication system with Full bluetooth capabilities, GPS, Iphone, MP3, FM radio and bike to bike talk on the go….and its the size of a credit card….wow technology. If it just had 3d capabilities with my camera….I could take in some …….next year…LOL

Americade-June 03 13 028 A Tiger and a sidecar 

Americade-June 03 13 022 cheap transAmericade-June 03 13 020 Americade-June 03 13 027 Americade-June 03 13 031 Don, you said we would eat only salads.Americade-June 03 13 033 opening festivities with entertainment and all you can eat cake…..Don, we just are cupcakes an hour ago.Americade-June 03 13 036  Americade-June 03 13 038

TOMORROW maybe a demo ride or two……..

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