Day started out great….paved hwy… then we hit gravel again…approx 200 k……we travelled cautiously as ridges or deep spots from the grader or big trucks make it difficult to control 2 wheels. As fate would have it just 2 k from pavement Don lost control in a patch of soft gravel and the bike went into a wobble with each more violent than the last…on the 4th I saw him ejected from the bike, while the bike did a flip with it landing nose first……missing Don….thank God. Don lay motionless for a few seconds and I feared the worst. Suddenly, he jumped up….obviously dazed….his jacket had a tear in the sleeve and his helmet was scraped as was the shield……he said he was ok……I looked towards the bike, noting 1 pannier torn loose with his belongings scattered….picked those up. Three vehicles passed by not bothering to stop…..then a husband and wife driving a 1 ton with a new construction trailer and a pickup stopped. Soon after two big trucks stopped and Karen, Shane’s wife tented to Don’s scrapes while the rest of us put Don’s bike on Shane’s trailer. Shane would drive Don to Labrador 208 k away…while I followed Karen on my bike. Now I must add we where about 1/2 way between our morning start and Lab City…..Churchill Falls was about 1 1/2 hours back……no businesses or homes in between……we where in the boonies. So to call the Police or Ambulance would take 2 hours to get here….so it was decided that we continue on to Lab City. I went ahead at some point to book a motel and check flights out Of Lab City……..Its strange that 2 daYS before I had observed this couple load on the same Ferry we took….and they happened to stay over at Shane’s parents for Fathers Day…….Great couple…..Don’s bike is still on the trailer…..Don who I visited at the hospital this am is still there……waiting for results on new xrays from his dislocated toe……..he looks good, has a bruised right side and scrape on his belly….so hopefully he will get out soon and we can make arrangements with the insurance co re the bike and how to get Don home….at this point it looks like he will fly to Montreal where Heather and her friend are visiting……
Still a little over 1850 k with 200k of Gravel in Quebec on a twisty rode to ride………..I didn’t know about that…..when this trip was planned.
Update just spoke to Don…he is being released and will be at the Motel here in Wabush in an hour……looks like he will be flying to Montreal as he needs to see his Dr re the foot within 48 hours….
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