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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 4- Americade- Lazy Day



This was a day of rest for the most part……I have been suffering with a sore little toe….feels broken…makes walking tiring and pain full….likely a hockey injury acting up…….


Today we rode into town early and had breakfast at the old Bank Cafe….then out to Queensboro Radio Shack as I had left my Camera’s Charger at home… one in hand, we visited the Forum a building that housed more Vendors…….then it was back to our Motel for rest and relaxation.

Tonight we had dinner down the road from our motel.Americade-June 04-13 002 Americade-June 04-13 004 Don looking happy that I chose a Bar…..he was thirsty…..

Next stop, Lake George to view the running of the bikes….Americade-June 04-13 010  Americade-June 04-13 013 Americade-June 04-13 014 The co pilot has spent to much time in the sun……….what’s keeping my husband ?Americade-June 04-13 015 What,…he is with another man !

Ok “D” this one is for you….Bennie is tired of that little house and wanted me to show you this one…”hey, Mom, its time for a bigger home….I will even have room to pee.Americade-June 04-13 023 and God and Queen save AmericaAmericade-June 04-13 024 I would like to post but the internet must be off….so will post later……weather has been great…..rain expected Thursday afternoon….hopefully my GOPRO accessories which I ordered in Canada will arrive here tomorrow…they shipped from California…….

1 comment:

  1. Bennie loves his little kennell. What a variety of bikes huh. So glad you are getting good weather.
