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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 1-Ride from Gravenhurst to Kingston-June 1 13


On the road at 11.30 with Cobourg as our 1st stop to meet with my Central America ride buddy. Met at Tim’s for coffee and a short chat, introducing Pedro’s new bride to Don.Day 1 to Kingston-June 1 13 005

Then onto Kingston and checked into the Super 8…..just in the nick of time as we no sooner had our bikes under the entry and down came the rain……..torrential it seemed. Crossing to Wolf Isl. by Ferry in the AM , then on to NY and Americade at Lake George for 4 days….before heading for Bar Harbour Main, NFL and Labrador…..Day 1 to Kingston-June 1 13 004  Day 1 to Kingston-June 1 13 001 Departure Pics


  1. Bob & Don: Have a great trip, I'm envious. Dad and I will be following your trip from Muskoka. Bar Harbour awesome spot. Don't forget to go to Cadillac Mountain and along the seashore. Also you must go to a lobster pound! Don't forget to wear your bibs! LOL
    Cheers! Peter

  2. OMG that bike is sure loaded !!

    I will definitely be following along with you on this latest adventure of INSANITY !! And my wee little heart will be beating each time I check your Blog HOPING everything is going along ok - and no accidents !!
