On the road at 9 am in the rain and moderate wind which picked up when the sky partially cleared. The ride was tedious and at times strenuous as you had to be mindful of wind changes and fast moving traffic behind you………at times I reached speeds over 100k…..nice change.
The 1st border crossing back into Chile was 1 1/2 hrs……….due to a long line-up……but went smoothly for me once in… the line outside….
and inside
Diane, you will see your Magellan Strait's Rock on the Seaweed in this pick ……
The Straits of Magellan….with Diane’s rock..
While waiting for the Ferry, two lovely YOUNG LADIES approached me…..a little panick set in as I was about to say NO HABLO ESPANOL but instead I heard nice bike with a quaint accent. These two pretty lasses are back packing South America all the way from IRELAND.
We may meet for a pint or two as they will be going to THE DUBLIN PUB in Ushuaia……hope to see you there girls……..Corey you should be with me, son.
Not long after leaving the Ferry the road turned to course and sometimes loose gravel for 100 plus k….and it started raining again. Slow going with plenty of Tractor Trailer traffic in both directions….they must hate this stretch.
Arrived at the Border crossing to get back into Argentina about 6pm….this is like a Wild West Stage Coach Stop Over……no rooms available at the Inn as the gas and oil workers have it all sewn up. Earlier I took a pic of them burning off gas……In Canada they do it in a high chimney…..here its from a pond like structure.. Tried to dry my riding suit but it was too hot……
no trees…….
Signed out of Chile no problem….rode 12 k to the Argentina Migracion and Aduana….Migracion went smoothly but Aduana official wanted to know if i had another passport…NO…then he went with all my papers to his 2 Supervisors…..they looked through the papers conversed for 10 minutes and finally he returned and stamped me in…..daw ??????????
Tonight I am in a run down hostel…at least my room is and at 320 pesos. The bath and shower are open…no encloser with the washer and agitator in the corner….everything gets wet when you shower.
I see the rock , on sea weed in Ushuaia . Wonderful , I hope you are able to bring them back . Is it considered importing part of the country ? I may need a larger travel rock garden . Thank you - very thoughtful of you to think of it . Too early to come back yet - still lots of snow and shovelling . Off to Florida Jan 28 tell Mar 5 -looking forward to no snow . Save Travel Bob .