Late start today…….ran about town trying to get motto oil change…no motto shops….all people I asked referred me to town 50 k away in the direction I was not heading. The lad at the gas station said he would do it but worked until 4. I thanked him but said I had to hit the road. While at the station the Aduana Officer came up to me as I was heading out to let me know that Antonio had passed through yesterday around 4 pm. It was now 11am so I hung around until 1 pm in case he passed through….no sign of him.
Pulled over near where I stayed last night and changed my own oil. Fixed my clutch lever and by 1.30pm headed N to Ruta 40. Wind was not near the velocity of yesterday when I was sand blasted. Debated for a second about turning south but after yesterdays frightful events said no………
Pavement for the 1st half of the 180 k then the dreaded gravel…….the new highway is paved but you can’t use it……..slow going arriving in town around 5.30….at the Gas station I meet an Argentina couple on a BMW GS1200……they are heading to Ushuaia. In sign language I let them know the next 90 k is Gravel…..the Misses is not happy.
They wave as they depart and I likewise……Nice modern cafe in this petro station in an otherwise run down town seemingly in valley far from any large city. I wonder what these how they make a living. I saw an Army Barrack's on the edge of town.
Down the street I check into the Hotel Aka for $ 250 pesos or about 40.00 dollars. I am way over budget for the last 2 nights. My room is closet like…….LoL….the shower has no Curtin
To the rooms upstairs
a little spooky….at the end of this hall is the dining room and bar which is very nice….my bike is parked at the front window……will it be there tomorrow ?????????
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