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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rio Mayo to Fritz Roy Day 30 Jan 8 14


Up early but late leaving the hotel due to indecisive feelings to continue north or turn around and head to Ushuaia. Ushuaia was the reason for the trip…..get to the farthest point south by road.Rio Mayo to Fritz Roy Jan 8 14 001 Rio Mayo to Fritz Roy Jan 8 14 002 The wind was so so….nothing like when I aborted……so in the end I left town SE and travelled on bad gravel 152 k across country again only meeting 1 vehicle until I neared Fritz Roy and the workers in the oil patch…..I am so sick of gravel……..fuelled both the bike and myself and headed for Fritz Roy 142 k away. Going east the wind had picked up but was at my back and without cranking it all the way the bike ran smoothly at 95 k.

Someone I met along the way said Argentina was cheap…food/lodging….I am finding it about the same as home…..tonight's hotel 286 pesos at 6 to the dollar that’s about 48.00 US. Comparable to US accommodation. Menus are another issue……..they don’t seem to have them…at least not in the establishments I have been in……they rime off what they have and except for pollo con papa or frito….I don’t have a clue but they are considerate of my no espanol……I am eating a lot of CHICKEN…..Rio Mayo to Fritz Roy Jan 8 14 003   The Hotel…………………………………………..Rio Mayo to Fritz Roy Jan 8 14 005 MY Room…huge compared to last night…Rio Mayo to Fritz Roy Jan 8 14 007  Wasn’t sure how to work the washer but in the END using the hand agitator next to it, I was able to get a LOAD of wash done…socks,underwear,long johns and a t-shirt.

The wind is really blowing again so we will see what happens…if it doesn’t let up I will stay put. Most bikers take Ruta 40 which I aborted hoping the E cost # 3 would be better…………


  1. Wind in Ushuaia is very very strong. be careful my friend

  2. I have learned that the hard way ending up on the ground, fortunately it was on a back gravel road and I was going slow............I will take my time as today 116 k...I still a long way away....if it is stronger than the other day I will need a heavy ankor

  3. Sounds like your giving both your body and your patience a real good workout.

    Stay safe !

    1. Yes.........But I made it.....ready to return Home...LOL........Once back into Argentina the road to Ushuaia was paved but on the Chile side it was 100k of pot hole gravel......felt sorry for the Truckers......they were slower than me
