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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Day25 Jan3 14


Waking up this morning, Antonio informs me that he is going to linger in Coyhaique for a day or two…..wants to visit the Ice Fields…..which I am near at the moment but it is 52 k away on a rough side road so I will pass. With the GPS programmed for Cochrane, I bid farewell to Antonio and make my way out of town.Along the way at a photo stop, I meet Axel a 6’ 8” Argentinean from Mendoza who is also on his way to Ushuaia. He tells me about sleeping in an abandon house a couple nights back that made our barn sleep look like the Ritz. He has 20 days left for his trip.Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 011   The 1st 50 k are paved, plus the 42 k detour my GPS leads me on to Puerto Ray…….I stop for Coffee next to the lake Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 017 in Puerto Ray.Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 012 Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 013 Puerto Ray……. I inquire in my best Spanish sign language where am I and learn that to get to Cochrane I must backtrack. Only tonight, I learn that I could have taken a ferry across the lake to Chile Chico. One half hour ride……instead I did over 150 k mostly rough gravel roads. I plan on crossing into Argentina at this point.Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 003 Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 005  Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 006  Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 007 Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 009Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 019 Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 018  A light drizzle adds to the cold wind, as I hit the course gravel road.Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 021 Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 023 Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 024 The scenery is spectacular and changes at almost every corner on this road which has many switchbacks as you climb and descend into valleys.Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 027 Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 028 Rock fall hazards along the way……Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 029 The road changes for a period to a hard packed clay then back to loose wash board adding to an already bumpy ride. I stop to adjust my load, luckily as I discover by spare gas can has sprung a leak and fuel is dripping on the exhaust. I pour the remaining fuel into the tank and discard the container in a garbage can next to a Prayer Shrine……… the middle of no where.

Tonight, I am in an expensive hotel.Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 033 I have met some other rider 6 of who on BMW’s and 1 Vstrom from Brazil………Rafael, a lawyer and I talked into the wee hours of the morning. His group is headed to Ushuaia and I passed him earlier but his bike was riding in the back of a pickup. He broke down 40 k back. His bike is a 2012 Bmw gs 800…..upon calling the dealer in Brazil…..and explaining that the bike seized up at 90 k causing him to skid into the ditch…….fortunately no injuries to either himself or girlfriend……the dealer said it was a known problem and would be covered under warranty. The best they would do was get the bike shipped back for repairs and he could ride along with the delivery van. He wants to complete the trip, so may bus to Argentina and rent a vehicle. I also met up with Alex, from Belgium and we had a pleasant dinner here at the hotel…….he will be crossing into Argentina and turning north for Alaska then the Road Of Bones as he makes his way home. He too has some problems. The road has wrecked havoc on his pannier frames and he needs to repair them before continuing…….Coyhaique to Puerto Rio Tranquilo Chile Jan 3 14 036      


  1. Bob, the scenery is stunning but it sounds like you have had a lot of rain to go with a cold wind. I'm sure you expected much of the road surfaces to be gravel or dirt. I can't help but notice the absence of people. The towns you stay in almost seem like ghost towns. I see the occasional car but no people. Where is everyone?

  2. Yes....most seem deserted but they are may be the time of day I take the pics or the weather

  3. Hi Bob, I am at home in Mendoza, is nice to see that you are still on your way, if you pass throgh Mendoza tell me so we can go to have some wines or we can make an asado at home. Hope you have a good trip. AXEL

    1. Hi Axel,

      It is March 8th and I am reviewing the blog and just come upon your comment. The blog is suppose to notify me when a reply comes in....I bypassed Mendoza by only a few miles and wish I had seen your reply earlier, would have enjoyed getting together. How was your trip, I encountered such fierce winds that I came close to abandoning the quest to reach Ushuaia......warmest regards...Bob
