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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chilecito Day 50 Jan 29 14


Kilometres today 0, rest day and do some laundry…….no bidet in my room….so put on my riding pants cranked up the shower and lathered my pants with body wash and rubbed them down….then went through the rinse cycle….Jan 28 14 Rest Day 001 drying next to the barbeque……..

One of the reasons for hanging around was constipation… had been a couple days since the last movement and my systems likes a comfortable environment for such an event…… completely shut down in the pampas…….nothing happened yesterday upon arriving here nor this am…..I can only liken the feeling to a woman having a breached birth. Tongs came to mind but didn’t have any, maybe that motto oil I was carrying but that might not be good for me as it was synthetic….O I had a can of sardines in natural fish oil that might do the trick but how do you apply it………..I guess the mind and the body nervous about my intentions decided to let the log jam burst….I am now one happy camper..

Tomorrow I will take Ruta 40 to # 7 south of Mendoza….this will take me through Uspallata towards Chile….the hwy then becomes # 60 which I will follow towards Valparaiso. Hope to find a place affordable for a couple weeks and explore the area from one spot……….Bolivia and Peru and the desert area of southern Peru and Northern Chile don’t interest me……………Hot is not to my liking…….especially in riding gear…….

Don’t plan on an early dinner in most of Argentina as Restaurants open at 8 or 9 pm here……last night my neighbours started the barbecue at 10.30……

Must be more than 1 Chilecito…checked Google Maps and shows it North Mendoza…I am south of Mendoza 74k…….

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