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Friday, January 17, 2014

Puerto San Julian Continued Day 37/38 Jan 15 & 16 14


Puerito San Julian to RivadaviaCommodor 001 We hit the road early hoping to put a few miles on today and get further north and away from the Patagonia winds which howled all night. As you saw in the previous post our bikes were protected from the wind by the building. The ride was tense in the early stages combined with wind and rain which stung my face at speeds under 50 k….lol.

Stopping for fuel and a cafe break we met a father and son riding Harleys….they are returning to Brazil after a run to Ushuaia. Ushuaia North Jan 14 15 1914 010 From L Volnei Marx de Moraes and his son on the R Gustavo with Antonio in the middle……..we met up again in Puerto San Julian 300 k further up with Gustavo interpreting for me at hotels to book a room ( 470 pesos ). We later went to dinner together and enjoyed a delicious sirloin steak 2’’ thick over a bottle of wine supplied by Volnei……and great camaraderie ….exchanging emails……Volnei is a retired Civil Engineer and Gustavo taking some time off from a Modelling Career that has taken him around the world. We wish you both safe travels and hope to see you in the future.

Antonio and I slept in and it was likely 10 am before we hit the  pavement……..the wind was mostly at our sides or back such that we made good time………in a landscape that changed little until just outside our destination…Puerito San Julian to RivadaviaCommodor 009  hwy 3 along the  AtlanticPuerito San Julian to RivadaviaCommodor 010 Puerito San Julian to RivadaviaCommodor 014  Kite surfing 

Puerito San Julian to RivadaviaCommodor 015

Diane, I forgot to post your Ushuaia stone earlier….so here it BEUshuaia North Jan 14 15 1914 004 Can you see it on the Sea Weed……….It may have been washed here from Antarctica ……

Along our travels today we met or saw many bikers heading to Ushuaia…Puerito San Julian to RivadaviaCommodor 003 Puerito San Julian to RivadaviaCommodor 005  

We reached Commodor/Rivadavia around 5.30 pm and spent the next 2 hours plus trying to find new chains for the bikes……in the end, no luck…we need # 428…..132 link…a mechanic looked at ours and said they where good for a few more 1000 k… will keep adjusting.

It was getting late and we had not found a place to camp…..using my GPS we were led back to a rich suburb of Rivadavia and  a Municipal Camp site by the ocean where we will spend a couple days before heading out ….likely in different directions.Puerito San Julian to RivadaviaCommodor 016 My dinner location Puerito San Julian to RivadaviaCommodor 020 Chica size with each quarter a different topping….delicious with a CERVAZA…..(149 pesos )


  1. Replies
    1. iT was for the 1st 1000 k from Ushuaia but is warming up into the low30's as we get further north
