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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Mindo to Tulcan-Colombia Border-Febr 2 2018

On the road at 7am in rain for the 1st hour then it cleared, with the occasional sprinkle. Trying to take a short cut above the airport....looking for 28B I became lost in a maze of 1 way streets and lost !/2 hour finding my way back to the longer route through the upper part of Quito and route 35N which is part of the Norde Americano Hwy. I did arrive at the border in good time...2:30pm and was shocked to see hundreds of people waiting in line at the Migracion office......I was asked what I was there for as soon as I stepped into the line....but 1/2 hour later not able to get permission to stay without 1st checking out and into Colombia I was back in the line . it took 4 hours to get within 100 people ahead of me. Again by some Divine intervention, security pointed in my direction and waived me ahead of the throng...asking why I was there and i explained a mistake was made when I entered Ecuador and I needed more days to stay in ECUADOR. He sent me directly to window agent with some English though the sign above his booth said something to the effect of Special Treatment. I again explained my situation pointing out that I had been here in February 2017 and hoped that I could get the balance of my 90 day allotment without having to exit to Colombia and turn around and reenter Ecuador....he was not sure and a 1/2 hour discussion amongst a number of backroom staffers and me...he returned and said NO PROBLEMA....I asked about my bike and he said Aduana would take care of that ....first he took care of my passport stamping 90 days beginning February2nd. Back to the girl at Aduana who had originally told me I had to exit and she completed all the necessary paperwork and told me that this piece of paper that I didn't originally get was required for the bike on exiting. Neither of us spoke the others language so this was a bit of fun....but between pointing at the papers and some computer translation we managed.
 Exiting the city of  Ibarra

 A couple Peruvian riders headed to Colombia....neither they nor I spoke the others language but we managed ...I gave them Ontario Flag pins and they gave me their individual rider stickers plus their club sticker. 
 A few pics I took as I made my way around the building.....

 Looking towards Ipiales Colombia...and they keep coming......

It is dark by the time I leave Aduana and I head for Tulcan 10 minutes away.....getting a motorcycle officer to lead me to a hotel.

I am back in Mindo tonight and went to dinner at the restaurant to see Flora and Luz.
I will report on today tomorrow...time for bed..... 


  1. Someone is indeed looking after you ....such special treatment = you may have been at that border for days . Good all went well. Super bowl on now here - not really a fan but if interested score is Eagles 32, they are the underdogs and the Patriots 26 .....10 min left . God sped , enjoy your return to hotel.

  2. Yes,it cannot be luck....I am sure of Divine intervention because I should have had to exit and re my bike was not entered properly...not my fault but the agents at the other border
