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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Canoa-January 31 2018

Fire on the  beach tonight, sitting around waiting for the Blue,Super moon. Cloud cover must be hiding it...bummer as it is a lovely night with a cool moderate breeze off the Ocean.

I leave in the morning, heading to Colombia. I need to exit Ecuador, then re enter and apply for the balance of my 90 day allotment. I goofed on entering and asked for big penalty if I over stay. The plan is to travel slower and not push long hours with this moto. I have reservations in Mindo which is 300k from here. This is roughly the halfway point to Colombia....the big challenge the following day will be getting past Quito. The weather is now a factor as the rainy season has started.

My son questioned if I was joking about Inca pottery pieces washing up on the it is for low tide you can find many parts of pots that have washed down into the river which runs through Canoa and empties into the Ocean. The current and tide deposits the remnants along the shore....below is a picture of a few I scooped, along with a few sea shells

 never tire of the view from my room of the ocean

Sunday I went out to Barry's farm on a rain soaked very slippery and muddy road.

 Barry's horse's new colt which was not yet born when I was out there a few weeks back
 mom waiting 

 This is near Barry's farm....a few pool tables for the villagers 

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